
This is a word loaded with emotion and blame. Betrayals of confidence, of love, of commitment, of self have all gone into the thumbed and famous pages of history. I now feel some forms of it casting haze over my own life, and I regard one in particular that finds its roots in that most fundamental to the human condition. The betrayal of the body to the mind.
My memory has me dancing and running and being a dedicated, hard training athlete, of overcoming peril and other such comparable acts as my super hero imagination will allow.
I now find that I feel able to do these things during the onset of the idea, but the disconnect comes with execution. Am I, too, apt to suffer the cruel fate of age and decay? I suppose answering my dramatic self would require an emphatic, obvious-stating YES!
I am now gaining the new super powers of patience and managing limitation with the same ol' carpe diem crossing my lips.
Here's to keeping rust off the wheels and keeping the faith! Getting through photo sessions as a convert, here I hope to come!